Ensure you've added a valid samba user using (as documented in the ubuntu guide):
sudo smbpasswd -a local_username
Managing Users
Persistent Storage
The default Ubuntu samba installation uses a tdbsam (Trivial DB for Samba) backend, which stores password information in a binary DB file /var/lib/samba/passdb.tdb. This can be changed by modifying the setting
passdb backend = tdbsam
Valid options are Plain Text, smbpasswd, tdbsam, ldapsam, ldapsam_compat, xmlsam, mysqlsam and pgsqlsam.
Adding users
To add a samba password for an existing local user
sudo smbpasswd -a local_username
If necessary, one or more remote usernames can be mapped to a local username. Firstly, add to smb.conf:
username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
Then, create a map of entries in /etc/samba/smbusers containing entries of the form:
local_username = remote_username
Note, however, that samba usernames are not case sensitive, so entries in smbusers to simply map case differences are not needed.
Listing samba users
sudo pdbedit -L
Deleting samba users
sudo smbpasswd -x local_username
Note that, when installed, samba creates samba users for all local users. This may not be desirable, in which case they can be removed using the script below. It may be worth keeping the "nobody" account active, for guest users.
for user in `sudo pdbedit -L | sed -e 's!:.*!!' | grep -v nobody | <grep -v desiredusers> `; do echo $user; sudo smbpasswd -x $user; done